Helen C. Peirce School is a neighborhood school serving Pre-K through eighth grade students in the Edgewater and Andersonville communities. Peirce has established a reputation for providing a quality academic experience for neighborhood children. We're proud to have obtained International Baccalaureate World Status by becoming a fully Authorized IB Primary Primary Years Program (PYP) and Middle Years Programme (MYP) School in collaboration with Nicholas Senn High School. In May of 2023, Peirce received the designation of being an IB Demonstration Site from Chicago Public Schools - this designation was only assigned to a few schools and indicates that our IB Programs are of high quality. Peirce School believes in developing the whole child with a focus on equity, high quality instructional practices, restorative practices, social emotional learning, arts integration and quality after school programs.
We're committed to enriching our students academic experience with arts, library and technology. Not only do we have certified full time teachers specializing in Spanish, Art, Music, Dance, Technology, Library and Physical Education, but they all have their own classroom! We have partnered with local arts agencies to provide in-class teaching artist experiences and will continue to support arts integration in the classroom which align to our IB units of study to ensure that our students get the richest of educational experiences. We provide 1:1 Chromebook or iPAD access to every student.
We also care deeply about supporting our students in their Social-Emotional Development. We have two full time Case Managers who ensures that students are getting appropriate academic supports, and two full time Counselors who work with teachers to ensure that students have necessary social-emotional learning supports to become successful.
We're committed to enriching our students academic experience with arts, library and technology. Not only do we have certified full time teachers specializing in Spanish, Art, Music, Dance, Technology, Library and Physical Education, but they all have their own classroom! We have partnered with local arts agencies to provide in-class teaching artist experiences and will continue to support arts integration in the classroom which align to our IB units of study to ensure that our students get the richest of educational experiences. We provide 1:1 Chromebook or iPAD access to every student.
We also care deeply about supporting our students in their Social-Emotional Development. We have two full time Case Managers who ensures that students are getting appropriate academic supports, and two full time Counselors who work with teachers to ensure that students have necessary social-emotional learning supports to become successful.