Greetings Peirce Families,
As we start a new year, I want to wish you a warm welcome back to school and a very happy New Year! I hope that you all enjoyed rest, relaxation and fun with your families and friends over the winter break and that our students are ready to begin 2017 with hard work, determination and dedication to their work as an IB student. Please remember that student attendance is important to maintain a consistent program in school and attendance also weighs in at 20% of our overall school report card - we are currently a level 1+. In order for us to receive full points on the school rating in the attendance category we need to be above 96% attendance. As of December 23rd we were at 95.93% - this is the lowest that our attendance has been in at least 5 school years. There have been many days which have impacted our attendance - the potential teachers strike, the Cubs World Series win and the cold weather and snow before winter break. Please help us bounce back and get back above 96% - (our goal for this year is 96.4%) by sending your child to school each day. HOWEVER, PLEASE keep your children home when they are sick and running a fever - by no means do we want children coming to school when they should be resting and getting better. Enjoy the winter months to come and I look forward to an outstanding second half of the school year! Warmest Wishes, Lori Zaimi December Highlights
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